

Ac wedyn, wrth gwrs, mae ’na wahaniaethau rhwng y gêm sy’n cael ei chwarae ym Mhrydain, sef “British baseball, sometimes called Welsh baseball, or in the areas where it is popular simply baseball” chwedl Wikipedia, a’r gêm sy’n cael ei chwarae yn yr Unol Daleithiau ac sydd wedi cael ei hallforio i rai lleoedd eraill. 


Ym Mhrydain ceir yr “International Baseball Board” (unig aelodau Cymru a Lloegr) sy’n rheoli gêm draddodiadol Prydain, a’r British Baseball Federation, sy’n rheoli’r gêm a fewnforiwyd.  Ar wefan y gymdeithas olaf hon gallwch ddysgu llawer mwy am “baseball, slowpitch softball or fastpitch softball”.




From: Discussion of Welsh language technical terminology and vocabulary [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of CATRIN ALUN
Sent: 02 September 2011 11:11
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: baseball


Mae 'na rai esboniadau ar y we - dyma un:


Baseball did actually evolve from rounders, in a roundabout way. They are different games, and rounders is far closer to what Americans call softball than it is to baseball, but yes, they do of course have many similarities.

Differences include the size and material of the bats, the hardness of the ball, the way the ball is pitched (underarm in rounders, overarm in baseball), the layout of the pitch and the way the bases are marked. The scoring is different too.



From: Mary Jones <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Friday, 2 September, 2011 11:05:58
Subject: Re: baseball

Megan, dydw i ddim yn credu mai’r un ge^m ydyn nhw’n union. Mae ‘na rai gwahaniaethau. 



From: Discussion of Welsh language technical terminology and vocabulary [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of megan tomos
Sent: 02 September 2011 10:24
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: baseball


All rhywun egluro pam y gelwir baseball yn bêl fas yn Gymraeg?  Yr un gêm ydi hi â rownders felly o ble y daeth bas?

