


If everyone an early adopter, is anyone an early adopter? While we 
ponder that, I've got something to say/ask about emi-cream and 
emi-torque. Maybe an early-adopter could enlighten me?

The plan was to fix a new new emi-cream onto our existing (separate) 
glite_TORQUE_server cluster. But I discovered that emi-torque (server 
and utils) is built to use MUNGE to safety transmit the login details. 
This is a new thing.

Unfortunately, due to MUNGE, the emi-cream can't qsub from a system 
using emi-torque-utils to a batch cluster headnode that uses 
glite_TORQUE_server (job array syntax is also new). This would mean 
that, by design, emi-cream cannot work with a standalone 
glite_TORQUE_server cluster -- the whole lot has to be updated at once.

This could deserve a GGUS ticket, but I'm not sure of the facts -- is it 
possible to run emi-cream/emi-torque-utils with an existing 
glite_TORQUE_server? Does any early adopter know of any lawful 
impediment to this GGUS ticket? Should it be possible to qsub from a 
system using emi-torque-utils to a batch cluster headnode that uses 

Cheers, Steve