I grappled with this same problem.  My solution was to substitute special keywords in a template fsf file:

e.g, The capitalized values are my keywords: SUBJECT,  RUN_DIR, RUN_SUBJECT

# Output directory
set fmri(outputdir) "/Exps/Data/plante/SUBJECT/Func/RUN_DIR/RUN_SUBJECT"
# TR(s)
set fmri(tr) 2.6
Then I have a script file to copy the template file and do substitutions with sed:
cp /usr/local/tools/REF/plante_design.fsf design.fsf

if [ $# -lt 2 ]
    echo "Usage: $0 <Run number> design.fsf"
    echo "Example: $0  1 /usr/local/tools/REF/plante_design.fsf"
    exit 1


# for each variable do a global substitution
cat design.fsf | sed -e "s/SUBJECT/${SUBJECT}/g" >> design2.fsf
cat design2.fsf | sed -e "s/RUN_DIR/${RUN_DIR}/g" >> design3.fsf
cat design3.fsf | sed -e "s/RUN/${RUN}/g" >> design4.fsf
rm design.fsf design2.fsf design3.fsf
mv design4.fsf design.fsf
It works.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Benjamin A Philip <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
 Is there any way to get a FSL .fsf file to read a $ variable set
 outside the file?  Specifically, I'd love to let my FEAT parameters call
 $FSLDIR, to make sure they can run (and find the standard brain files)
 on any computer.  Obviously, I have tried setting the path names to
 $FSLDIR/restofpath and the running the .fsf file from the command line,
 but that leads to FSL looking for a directory starting with "$FSLDIR"
 rather than the contents thereof.


 Benjamin Philip, Ph.D.
 Postdoctoral Fellow - Freylab
 1227 Department of Psychology
 University of Oregon
 Eugene, OR 97403-1227
 (541) 346-4953
 [log in to unmask]
 Office: 307 Straub Hall

Dianne Patterson, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
[log in to unmask]
University of Arizona
Speech and Hearing Science 314
1131 E 2nd Street, Building #71
(Just East of Harvill)
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