

Dear fsl experts,

I have a question as to setting up the design matrix for VBM. I use the glm_gui to set up the design matrix. 
My study is to look at the association between gray matter volume and a continuous clinical measure (covariate of interest) adjusting for other confounding variables.
In addition to the group variable built in the glm_gui, do I need to set up another group variable with all values "1" in the design matrix?
I understand in fMRI analysis I need that group variable to get mean signal activity but in VBM this would be irrelevant. 
Do I still need this? and what's the differences between having this group variable and not?
What I am talking about is the results from the following two design matrix:

group    covariate of interest    confounding(age)
1                15                             61
1                20                             55 
1                5                               70 
.                 .                                 .
.                 .                                 . 
.                 .                                 .


    covariate of interest    confounding(age)
                15                             61
                20                             55 
                5                               70 
                 .                                 .
                 .                                 . 
                 .                                 .

Thanks in advance.