


These questions are quite timely, given the upcoming DC-2011 conference and its focus on vocabularies (

DCMI has long been interested in providing local versions of the DC vocabularies, and you can find some of these by looking at the current DCMI Registry (  The French version of the DCMES on the Registry was developed by some of our Canadian colleagues.

At the moment we're considering other options for presenting and managing multilingual versions of the DC vocabularies, using tools that might better fit our emerging needs.  Your question provides us with a good use case for that effort, and we think you.  At the moment we don't have a good process for review of translations, but we'd be happy to put you in touch with other interested French-speaking groups with similar goals when you're ready to discuss your translations.

Our upcoming Vocabulary Special Session (which is linked from the DC-2011 page above) will be extensively reported and we hope you'll contact us again of you're interested in any of the action items to come from that session.

Diane Hillmann
DCMI Vocabulary Maintenance Officer

On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 5:35 AM, Dominique Guardiola <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I'm working on a linked data projects between multiples "solidarity and social economy" networks.
We're using several RDF vocabularies and Ontologies, inside an application made to ease the mapping between RDBMS and RDF (it's a django wrapper around the D2R server)

My question is about vocabulary localization. We already translated rdfs:label and comment from the Organization Ontology, which is the one we use the most.
I wanted to work next on DCMI.
Would it be possible to integrate a french localization in the online DCMI vocabulary , to make it multi-lingual and directly usable inside any ontology tools that will load the proper labels, depending on the native language of the operator ?
In my case, the deployment of Linked data technology needs bridges like that...

I don't know if this sounds complicated as I know Dublin Core is an organization with protocols, but if it's possible, I'll post this translation as soon as possible to be reviewed.

thank you

Dominique Guardiola
Développement Plateforme d'Echanges Solidaires, CREDIS