

Last call; if interested, contact ASAP.

, AAG 2012


Security, Dissent, and Urban Politics: A Collective Geographical Exploration


We are looking for 10-14 contributors to an interactive paper session that explores the intersections of security, dissent, and urban politics. Each presenter will give a five minute summary of their research or research in progress, allowing ample time for a dynamic and productive interactive discussion among presenters and audience members.

We would like to encourage the widest possible range of contributors to this session, and so would consider work on any of the following broad themes relevant:
If you are tired of the paper presentation format and feel inspired by any of these themes, then consider submitting a brief synopsis of your work to Bruce D’Arcus [log in to unmask] and Jason Burke [log in to unmask].
Bruce D'Arcus
Associate Professor, Graduate Director
Department of Geography
Miami University
234 Shideler Hall
Oxford, Ohio 45056