

*Call for panelists: Crisis, protest and participation*

Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
24-28 February 2012, New York City


Caitlin Cahill (City University of New York)

Rachel Pain (Durham University)

Moved by events around the world of the last year, including, among others,
the "Arab Spring", immigration rights movements, unionized worker struggles
(in the US and Europe), student protests and the riots in the UK, in this
session we aim to carve out a space for discussing participation in social
change. Rather than simply showcasing research into these events, the
session will question how they connect to and co-inform the theories and
practices of participatory action research. What can we learn from the mass
movements of organizing, and what role might research have in relation
to/alongside these struggles?

Potential panelists please send an expression of interest (a few lines
describing what you would like to talk about/your research interests) to
Caitlin ([log in to unmask]) and Rachel ([log in to unmask]) by
September 23, 2011.

Caitlin Cahill, PhD
Assistant Professor, Urban Studies
Founding Faculty Member

New Community College
City University of New York

cell # 347 504 2094