

*St Mary’s University College, Philosophy Department**
**Royal Institute of Philosophy Public Lecture*


Animal minds and robot minds

Prof. Murray Shanahan <> (Imperial College,
London), Professor of Cognitive Robotics

Wednesday, 5th October 2011
5.15pm - 6.45pm, followed by a drinks reception
Senior Common Room, St Mary’s University College, Twickenham

*Abstract: *

Do non-human animals think like us? Are they conscious the way we are? Can
robots think like we do? Could we ever build a conscious robot? These
philosophical questions are important because they influence what we decide
to do. To the extent that an animal can experience suffering, we have a duty
to treat it well. If we can build a robot that is conscious, would it also
be able to experience suffering? And if so, should we build such a thing in
the first place?

*About the Speaker:*

Murray’s primary interests are in cognitive architecture, both as it is
found in Nature and as it might be realised artificially. Because he is
committed to the view that cognition and embodiment are intimately related,
he also has a strong interest in robotics. On this account, Robots are seen
as a vehicle for testing theories of cognition. The claim is that if we have
a good theory of cognition - one that passes the test of implementability on
a robot - then it will help us build better, more intelligent robots. Murray
also has an interest in consciousness, and sees consciousness and cognition
as closely related. He is of the belief that to understand these themes
properly entails a certain degree of engagement with philosophy,
particularly philosophy of mind.

All lectures are free and open to the public without registration. Lectures
start at 5:15 and last for 50 minutes, with 40 minutes for questions. This
is then followed by a wine reception.


*Senior Common Room, St Mary’s University College, Waldegrave Road,
Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, TW1 4SX, UK.
Directions to the university:
For further information, please contact Dr Yasemin J. Erden:
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Posters and further details can be downloaded here:
*Lecture Series
Knowledge, Wisdom and the University

*Series abstract
Universities in Britain - as well as in other Western countries - are facing
an uncertain future. In response to significant cuts in public funding,
drastic changes are being proposed and already a number of (philosophy)
departments are being threatened with closure. It is, so the argument goes,
no longer possible to afford studies which are seen as luxuries. In such
discussions the idea of a university is rarely mentioned, let alone the
place of philosophy in universities.


*Our series invites speakers from a range of disciplines to address this
oversight. Specifically, we ask them to reflect on concepts of knowledge and
wisdom, and their place in modern universities. All talks are appropriate
for a non-specialised audience.


21st September
Mr Peter Worley (The Philosophy Shop)
What can university philosophy learn from primary philosophy?

5th October
Prof Murray Shanahan (Imperial College, London)
Animal minds and robot minds

30th November
Dr Phil Hutchinson (Manchester Metropolitan University)

What has philosophy ever done for us?

***Winter break***

1st February
Prof Luciano Floridi (University of Hertfordshire / University of Oxford)
What is a philosophical question?

29th February
Prof Beverley Clack (Oxford Brookes University)
Loss and the struggle for meaning

28th March
Dr Cecile Hatier (University of Wolverhampton)
The morality of university decision-makers

18th April: TBC

A poster advertising the full series of lectures can be downloaded here:

Dr Yasemin J. Erden
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Centre for Bioethics & Emerging Technologies
St Mary's University College
Waldegrave Road
Twickenham, TW1 4SX
United Kingdom

+44 208 240 4250