

Hi Jacob
I agree with Juergen, and just add that your Cys and Cl might not be 
fully occupied.

On 9/1/11 10:03 PM, Jacob Keller wrote:
> Dear Crystallographers,
> I recently have been working with a 2.5 Ang SeMet peak wavelength
> dataset which contains 2 cys's and also a couple of bona fide Cl ions
> (reasonable b-factor/site is semi-buried/water does not work). In the
> FFT anomalous difference map using PhiC from the refined model and
> Dano, I can see the MSE's at ~10 sigma, but no Cl ions, even though Cl
> should have f" = ~0.3 versus Se's f" = ~4, and no S's in the cys,
> despite f" = 0.23e. There is really no anomalous peak at all--is it
> just the smallness of the signal, or are the Se's somehow "swamping
> out" the other signal? Perhaps the phases are tainted by the presence
> of semet in the model?
> Looking for suggestions,
> Jacob Keller
> *******************************************
> Jacob Pearson Keller
> Northwestern University
> Medical Scientist Training Program
> cel: 773.608.9185
> email: [log in to unmask]
> *******************************************

J. Preben Morth, Ph.D
Group Leader
Membrane Transport Group
Nordic EMBL Partnership
Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM)
University of Oslo
P.O.Box 1137 Blindern
0318 Oslo, Norway

Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: +47 2284 0794