


AT Reading University we do a bit of teaching on Biomimetics but mostly on 
MSc Courses. I do one session with the Intelligent Buildings MSc and 
Richard Bonser gives some lectures for the Renewable Energy MSc. On top of 
this, it is mostly posgraduate research projects, either part of the 
Engineering Doctorate run by the School of Con. Man. and Engineering or 
funded projects.

All the best,


 On Sep 19 2011, Julian Vincent wrote:

> How many places are there in the UK which can offer some sort of 
> education in in biomimetics (=biomimicry/bionics/bio-inspired design . . 
> . )? Bath university has a whole lecture course in the last year of its 
> engineering course and offers various projects in the area. I suspect 
> much the same can be said of Reading. Cambridge engineering offers a 
> substantial lecture series (Michelle Oyen). As far as I know, for the 
> rest of the UK the students can do a project in the area, or there may be 
> a lecture or two, but that's it. What do you say to anyone who wants to 
> have some education in the area?
>Julian Vincent
>University of Bath
