

Apologies for Cross Postings

Friends and Colleagues

As part of the Exeter Contemporary Open we are exhibiting a new photographic work entitled ‘Encounter – The Arrival’, a large photographic work made as part of the ‘Encounter’ series during our residency at the Banff Centre in Canada earlier this year. This will be it’s first UK showing before being shown in October for the East West Art Award at La Galleria in London, and in November as part of a wider selection of Banff inspired photographic works for the Performance Transitions exhibition at the Exchange Gallery. 

Exeter Contemporary Open 2011 

15 Sept – 2 Nov 2011

Exeter Phoenix

The following fifteen artists have been selected for Exeter Contemporary Open 2011;

Jamie Boyd, Theo Cuff, Robert Foster, Bryony Gillard, Michael Iveson, Conor Kelly, Mindy Lee, Laura Phillips, Stuart Robinson, Srinivas Surti, Molly Thomson, Alicia Tsigarides, Paul Vivian, Jenny Wiener and Zierle & Carter 

This years selection panel included Hannah Firth, curator of Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff; Charlie Tweed, artist and curator of Alma Enterprises, London; and Phoenix Gallery curator, Matt Burrows. 

Prizes will include the £1000 Overall Award, two £500 Additional Awards and a £200 Audience Choice Award (voted for by visitors to the exhibition).

More about Zierle & Carter:

For more information on our current activities please follow our Arts Council funded project; Through the Heart: Works on Love, Life, and Laughter and to see our work in general please visit our website

If you have any queries about our work or collaborative practice, or would like to programme or commission a performance, sound, video, or photographic work then please contact us via the details listed below.

Warmest regards

Alexandra Zierle & Paul Carter

Zierle & Carter - Alexandra Zierle & Paul Carter

Live Artists, Curators & Lecturers


Wysing Arts Centre Escalator Artists

Members of OUTPOST

Members of the NSA 

Lecturers at University College Falmouth


26 Queen Street, St Just, Penzance, Cornwall, UK TR19 7JW

Tel: +44 (0)1736 786298

Mob: +44 (0)7800640888

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Audience Feedback:

“Their creation of an emotionally intense, site-specific ambush, that ebbed, flowed and ricocheted throughout the museum for the better part of three hours, renewed my faith in the ability of people to sincerely and honestly affect how others view the world and operate within it. They performed with a profound endurance, intelligence, and grace that felt motivated by an inherent generosity in their approach to human interaction. I believe everyone there felt connected; we were breathing in the scenarios they devised, watching, as if experiencing the world, together, for the first time”, Warren Fry, audience member

“Alexandra Zierle and Paul Carter bring together an attentiveness to place, an austere command of physical movement and tension, and a generous engagement with the dynamics of the personal and the interpersonal, to create situations that are magical, communal, and immediate. They create an experience approaching collective trance, in which their restrained and finely-honed intensity spills into a heightened intimacy that touches and changes everyone present”, Olchar Lindsann – Co-Programmer, Marginal Arts Festival 

“I’m still trying to piece together what you did, what formula you used, to create a performance/event that had such strong power, to override the idea of a 'performance' or 'social event', and actually affect the audience/participants on such a deep personal level, and specifically for me it was in the making of the love potion, throughout the evening, that I found love!!!”, Shireen Darabi, audience member

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