Good morning  John Power

It must  be the classic case of throwing out the baby with the bath water : )
Crowley liked Biblical gods in other rites but here I wondered if he thought Moses was un-Egyptian -
whereas the power of Moses as an Egyptian and indeed archetype of the powerful magician - was part of the Egyptian world view of the rite -
I have restored the line to "I am Moses your prophet to whom you have transmitted mysteries celebrated by Israel..."
needs to be there really - and indeed many of the european grimoires follow this tradition - hence one transcribed in
K Shual's "Sexual magick" uses three rods - Aaron's etc.

Crowley's version is not wrong, just different, the original taps into a very interesting set of powers.
the dichotomy of Moses and Akhenaten is also one i think about - the classic dialectic
Moses, figure of memory but not archaeology -
Akhenaton, figure of archaeology but not memory -
Its because Moses is so central to the definition of paganism -
ie Israel v Egypt -
you dont get these same resonances with Ankh afner khonsu?

Bear in mind we are talking about Thelema as a religious movement rather than the OTO -
but yes, as you know, I am very familiar with your sentiments re religion -
I've been yelled at (in friendly way) by those who hate all religion, apart from their delicious lady babalon -
that's why i think it is denial : )


Mogg Morgan

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Hi Mogg and Caroline,
 I think that its fairly obvious why Crowley would change Moses to Ankh anfer Khonsu in the rite, as not only was the latter an alleged incarnation of Crowley according to AL, but Moses and his mate Akenaten [if they weren't the same person] gave the world the fanaticism that is monotheism, which is anything but Thelema. The beauty of Paganism is that it lets us all regard the forces we have labelled God/s[esses] in individual ways that don't give priests the opportunity to say "Ha ha, you got it wrong: off to the bonfire." I have watched with amusement the exchanges about 'Is Thelema a religion?' I sincerely hope not. I know that the O.T.O. would like to turn it into one, and replace one mess for another, but Thelema makes us all Stars at the centre of our own universe/s. Celebrate your individuality and as Bob Dylan said "Don't follow leaders,
                                                    And watch the parking meters."

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