


On 9/22/2011 2:42 AM, Caroline Tully wrote:
> Do you think this is hinting at what a lot of Pagans think about the 
> academic study of Pagan Witchcraft? That "their" - the Pagan's - 
> subject has been kind of hijacked by someone more eloquent, more 
> prolific, with the ability to get more publishing deals, and even... 
> perhaps... to understand the topic, at least its history, better then 
> the practitioners themselves? And that's annoying?
Some of my Pagan pals and co-practitioners express notions like
these from time to time. So do I, for that matter.

But let me add that, for most of the time. my Pagan pals, co-
practitioners, and I appreciate and respect the academic study
of magic, esoterica, occulture, Paganism, and Witchcraft.
We even do our best to add to, support, and make possible
academic studies of what we are intrigued by and value highly.

I mean, if we weren't doing the rituals and stuff, what would there
be to study? If we didn't talk to the academic researchers, how
would they have a clue about what we got up to? Or didn't?
And if we didn't reflect on what we got up to and why, and try to
account for it among ourselves, how could we make sense of it all?

Musing The Ivory Tower & The DIY Intellectual! Rose,
