

Y drwg ydi bod RHAID i mi wahaniaethu rhwng gwahanol fathau o flew - mae yan
fanflew wedyn y vellus ma ac wedyn blew terfynol - mae'r vellus yma mor
obscure na dio ddim hyd yn oed yn Escarta - goro i mi chwilio amdano ar y
we. Dwi'n meddwl mai cadw at y Lladin fydd rhaid i mi neu mi eith yr holl
beth yn ffliwt. Diolch i bawb


2011/8/20 Eleri James <[log in to unmask]>

> O ddarllen y drafodaeth a gafwyd, rwyn gweld bod Bruce wedi gwneud pwynt
> digon teg, nad oes angen mwy na'r gair 'blew' yn Gymraeg i wahaniaethu
> rhyngddo a 'gwallt'. Mantais 'blew' yw ei fod yn gyfarwydd i bawb, ac nid
> trigolion Llŷn yn unig. Ond petai angen trafod un blewyn, yna byddai
> amwyster o bosib - byddai'n rhaid sôn am 'flewyn o flew', neu 'flewyn o
> wallt' efallai?
> Dwi'n meddwl bod eich syniad o roi'r enw Lladin hefyd yn taro naw. OND, dwi
> ddim yn gyfieithydd proffesiynol, felly gwell cadw tunnell o halen wrth law
> wrth ddarllen fy marn i!
> Eleri James
> --- On *Sat, 20/8/11, anna gruffydd <[log in to unmask]>* wrote:
> From: anna gruffydd <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: vellus
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Saturday, 20 August, 2011, 19:28
> diolch, sori, doeddwn i ddim yn cofio'r drafodaeth cynt - felly fyddai
> 'corflew' yn gwneud y tro? Fel deudais i, dwi wedi defnyddio'manflew' i
> gyfieithu rhywbeth arall. Pwy fydd yn dallt y terma ma beth bynnag? Ella
> basa'n well cadw at y Lladin sef yr un gair? peth Powerpoint ydi hwn - i be
> eith rhywun i ddrysu'r petha bach sy'n trio hyfforddi? Be dach chi'n feddwl?
> Anna
> 2011/8/20 Eleri James <[log in to unmask]>
> Trafodwyd ym mis Chwefror 2010 - gweler
> Eleri James
> --- On *Sat, 20/8/11, anna gruffydd <[log in to unmask]>* wrote:
> From: anna gruffydd <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: vellus
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Saturday, 20 August, 2011, 9:55
> Dyma'r diffiniad:-
> *Vellus hair*, colloquially called 'peach fuzz' or 'bum fluff', is short,
> fine, light-colored, and barely noticeable hair that develops on most of a
> person's body from his/her childhood<>.
> Exceptions include the lips <>, the back
> of the ear <>, the palm of the hand<>,
> the sole of the foot, some external genital<>areas, the
> navel <> and scar<>tissue. The density of hair – the number of hair
> follicles <> per area<>of skin – varies from person to person. Each strand of vellus hair is
> usually less than 2 mm <> (1/13
> inch) long and the follicle <>is not connected to a sebaceous
> gland <>.[1]<>
> Vellus hair is most easily observed on children and adult women, as they
> generally have less terminal hair<>to obscure it. Vellus hair is not
> lanugo <> hair. Lanugo hair is a much
> thicker type of hair that, in human forms, normally grows only on fetuses.
> Vellus hair is differentiated from the more visible terminal<>or androgenic
> hair <>, which develops only
> during and after puberty <>, usually
> to a greater extent on men than it does on women.
> Oes yna derm? Gyda llaw, dwi'n gorfod gwahaniaethu rhyngddo a manflew sef y
> gair dwi wedi'i ddefnyddio i gyfieithu lanugo (gw. uchod). Diolch
> Anna