Hi All,

If  I trust ..
 No srm failures,no high number of TIME_WAIT, no high load, no FTS performance issue for last 4-5 days.
then we seems to have resolved the long lasting dpm problem.

The main root cause was mysql DB engine, DPM only support InnoDB, but in our case it was MyISAM. If you install mysq-server then MyISAM is default engine. So anyone can fall in this situations if they have not take any actions by setting a variable (default-storage-engine=innodb) in my.cnf  or something else.

- did not find any instruction on dpm install where it mentioned InnoDB engine should be used. I thought schema should be handling this.
- It would be great if yaim check if  DPM not using supported DB-engine.

By checking our old mysql dumps found that we are using this engine since May 2100 when we upgraded to SL5. 
I still  don't know how it had happened even though we restored from mysql-dump which had InnoDB engine set.

Other sites may checked if they are in same situations by simply checking each table of dpm_db and cns_db by running a command like 
for one of dpm table
show create table dpm_get_filereq;


If you see ENGINE=MYISAM, then certainly you have to fix this at some point of time by migrating these tables from MyISAM to InnoDB. 
I can provide help on this if anyone needed.
