

Hello Brain Apprentice (aren't we all :)

> I was wondering if it was possible by some extension, tool or SPM8 itself to have a single slice summary view for all subjects in a VBM study that I am running in SPM8?

I think that vbm8 has a tool to do that ("VBM8 - Check Data Quality - 
Display one slice for all images"), if you google it, you will find it 
on Christian Gaser's page.

> I know I can use Check Reg and display up to 15 subject scans at one time. However, the images get rather small and most of the time I am only interested in an Axial view, the Coronal and Sagittal views are redundant.

An alternative may be to use check_reg to only show one image and then 
save it as a graphics file, which you can then use as you wish. The 
following snippet may help you to do that.

% === Start
vols = spm_select([1 Inf],'image','Select Images to show',[],pwd,'.*');
for i = 1:size(vols,1)
	fg = spm_figure('Findwin','Graphics');
	[p nm e v] = spm_fileparts(vols(i,:));
	fnote = ['File  ' nm '  from  ' strrep(p, filesep, '_') ];
	axes('Position',[0.005,0.005,0.1,0.1], 'Visible','off');
	figname = [pwd filesep 'graphics_file_' num2str(i) '.png'];
	print(fg, '-dpng', '-noui', '-r100', figname);
% === End

Hope this helps,

PD Dr. med. Marko Wilke
  Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
  Leiter, Experimentelle Pädiatrische Neurobildgebung
  Abt. III (Neuropädiatrie)

Marko Wilke, MD, PhD
  Head, Experimental Pediatric Neuroimaging
  University Children's Hospital
  Dept. III (Pediatric Neurology)

Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 1
  D - 72076 Tübingen, Germany
  Tel. +49 7071 29-83416
  Fax  +49 7071 29-5473
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