

Dear SPMers,

I have analysed an experiment looking for amygdala activations (fearful vs neutral faces). However the peak voxel coordinate we get [-21 -7 -14] seems strange, as the y and z coordinates are not multiples of 3 (as you would expect from voxel sizes of 3mm). Actually, the same applies to all activations, they are not multiples of 3. 
Has anyone encountered this before? I would be grateful of any ideas where things might be going wrong.  

Many thanks, 


Elias Mouchlianitis
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Psychiatric Imaging
Imaging Cyclotron Building
Clinical Sciences Centre Imperial College-Hammersmith Campus 
Hammersmith Hospital 
Du Cane Road, London
W12 0NN, UK
tel: 020 83833703