

Hi All,

I am configuring SPM to work in a shared environment and I am getting a lot of requests for SPM versions and also SPM toolboxes (and versions). Currently SPM looks in one location for toolboxes and this makes managing things quite difficult.

I am considering updating the spm.m code below to not only look in the immediate directory but also parse a "MATLABSPMPATH" environment variable. That way a variety of toolboxes locations could be set in the MATLABSPMPATH and hopefully SPM will recognise both local and independant toolboxes.

1) Is this something the SPM community would like? I can share the results if so

2) Is there something deeply flawed in this approach? e.g. is the directory location hardcoded elsewhere or needed by the toolboxes themselves?

% Toolbox directory
Tdir = fullfile(spm('Dir'),'toolbox');

%-List of potential installed toolboxes directories
if exist(Tdir,'dir')
 d = dir(Tdir);
 d = {d([d.isdir]).name};
 d = {d{cellfun('isempty',regexp(d,'^\.'))}};
 d = {};

Dr Paul McIntosh
  Senior Visualisation Analyst/MOSP Project Leader
    Multi-modal Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualisation Environment (
Ph: 9902 0439 Mob: 0434 524935
Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing - Innovation powered by Advanced Computing