

Dear Rosan,

I took your concept of "projection before analysis" to be part of a general phenomenological account of what we can see we do when we are conscious of our intentionality. Existentialism is big on PROJECT - one must have a project, one must project consciousness into the world (a world). 

I think one can take Don's concept in a similar way - that is, it is an account of one of the ways we go about doing things.

I agree that they are not the same.

To add to the mix, I would include my own little understanding which goes:

attention, selection, election.

I have talked about this before but I was reminded just the other day by an experience. Currently I am take some drugs (legal) that alter my awareness slightly. Mostly they slow me down. But, anyway, while sitting and musing, I noticed my eye would sift from object to object (attention). I would then focus on one of the things that my attention had been drawn to (selection) and then, out of the multiple things I had focused on, I would take one and use it as the basis of a stream of conscious interpretation (election).

Terry would point out that the initial action of attention was pre-enacted in non-conscious parts of my brain. I am cool with this.

So, maybe we are always projecting (complex mixture of attention. selection, election) which mens, in some way, we are always acting first (there is always a first act of consciousness which, at a minimum, equals attention.)


>>> Rosan Chow <[log in to unmask]> 08/03/11 6:22 PM >>> 
Dear All, 

Someone wrote me offline and asked whether Don Norman's interpretation of my original post/idea 'Projection Before Analysis' got what I wanted to say. My reply was, sorry to be blunt, 'OH GOD NO'. And since he does not reference my post, perhaps his post has nothing to do with mine, and 

I do understand ideas get lost easily on PHDDESIGN list, especially one that is beaten up by someone with a baseball bat with full force the minute after it has been posted. And I should not take my idea as something so precious, I do like to say that: 

Projection before analysis, NOT 'act first, do the research later'. 

God bless us all. 
