

THE TIMES has published (behind the pay wall)  a letter today from Francis Bennion (retired Parliamentary Counsel), headed Public libraries are 'Protected by Law', following Caitlin Moran's article of 13th August in defence of public libraries.   "It does not appear that the statutory duties I have mentioned are being adequately fulfilled at present.  The Act does not contain any provision for reduction of the duties because of a need for 'cuts'"  concludes Mr Bennion.

THE BOOKSELLER : 16th August
Public Libraries Act ignored, says man who wrote it

Voices For the Library : 16th August
Francis Bennion letter, reproduced here with his permission, plus additional omitted paragraph
The letter is reproduced with permission from Mr. Francis Bennion.  The paragraph that was omitted from the published letter (in square brackets) may be of particular interest to campaigners.





Frances Hendrix

Martin House Farm, Hilltop Lane, Whittle le Woods, Chorley, Lancs. PR6 7QR, UK

tel: 01257 274 833. fax: 01257 266 488

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