

Dear FSL users,

I'm working on a cohort of 154 subjects, two types of scans were acquired : anatomical MRI and DTI scans. MD and FA indices were extracted from DTI images and analysed using Voxel-Based approach. 
I have never work with a Region Of Interest approach. My scans have already been normalized.  For the moment, I have extracted values of FA in all skeleton using fslmeants : 
-i all_FA_skeletonised.nii.gz -m mean_FA_skeleton_mask.nii.gz
Now, I would like to use the ROI which are in the atlase « JHU white-matter tractography » in order to extract values of volum, FA anf MD in the cingulum and fornix.
I don't know how to create the mask and then how to binarise it ? With which command lines ? 

I'm sorry, I'm not an expert for using FSL and so I have some difficulties...

Thank for your time and your help,
