Grizzly Man is one of the best of his 'American' films, concerning an animal rights campaigner who was eaten by one of the bears he was campaigning for. It's a documentary.

Herzog also ate his own shoe in public and once lived and worked in Manchester's Moss Side as a young man.

On 5 August 2011 10:12, G. Greenway <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

'Poet', 'Visionary'... these are words completely appropriate for Herzog. Nobody can find images like Herzog. For me, obviously the greatest living director. He has made documentaries throughout his career. I am less familiar with his more recent work, but I urge you to see:

Heart of Glass
Land of Silence and Darkness
Aquirre, Wrath of God
Fata Morgana
Even Dwarfs Started Small
The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser


--- On Fri, 5/8/11, Jim Andrews <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Jim Andrews <[log in to unmask]>

Subject: Re: Slidvid of Aleph Null stills
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Friday, 5 August, 2011, 9:45

> Herzog talking about the caves:
> while it does seem that *some *archaeologists claim the cave art to be the
> earliest found, so it would have depended on who Herzog was following

Interesting. I watched some other youtube vids on Herzog after watching that one. There's an odd one in which he gets shot during the interview--some idiot in L.A. just took a potshot at him with an air rifle and hit him in the abdomen (he wasn't seriously injured). But then--and this is why I bring it up--he talks about "the poet": . In a context where that could include poets of film. Such as he.

I'm not familiar with his work, I admit, though I have heard wonderful things about him. Which films of his should I especially have a look at?


David Joseph Bircumshaw
Website and A Chide's Alphabet
The Animal Subsides