

Hi to all.

I want to create and estimate an fMRI model in SPM8. I have whole BOLD/EPI images acquired on a 1.5T Sigma Scanner(General Electric).
Each acquisition consists of 22 contiguos slices(3mmX3mmX3mm) with a TR of 3 sec.
I have already made images pre-processing(realignment, normalization, smoothing,...).
441 acquisitions were made in blocks(on + off) of 21 scans, so I have 21 blocks of 21 scans.
In each block(on + off) , I have 7 activation scans and 14 rest scans.
I have three types of activations, presented in pseudo-random sequence, so I have 7 blocks for each condition I want test.
The three conditions are electrical stimulations at different intensity.

For example :

off(14 scans)  -  condition1(7 scans)  -  off(14 scans)  -  condition3(7 scans)  -  off(14 scans)  -  condition1(7 scans)  -  off(14 scans)  -  condition2(7 scans) .....

and so on.

I want to obtain activation map for each condition, so condition1 vs. rest, condition2 vs. rest, condition3 vs. rest.

I have performed 1-st level analysis, but I haven't any activation for each condition.

Belove, I desccribe parameters I have used for model specification : 


-  Units for design  :  SCAN;
-  Interscan interval  :  3 sec;
-  Microtime resolution  :  16;
-  Microtime  onset  :  1;


-  Scans( all the 441 scans)  ;
-  Onset( the scan at which the condition start)
-  Duration  :  7;
-  High Pass Filter  :  84 ;
I have leaved all the other parameters set to default value.

N.B. I have tried to consider only scans corresponding to the conditions I want to test(so 147 scans for each conditions), but I have obtained any result.

Can anyone help me ?

Thank you.