

Dear All,
We did a simple T-test to compare Group A vs Group B in SPM, which generate a few significant clusters. Then, we want to a cluster's peak with 4mm around this peak and calculate the ROI values for each scan and do a post-hoc comparison in a statistical software, or correlated the ROI values with with clinical measurements. However, in SPM8, we cann't find this type of function any more, which existed in SPM 99. Instead, there is a function called "eigenvalue", which I don't think it calculates ROI values.

additionally, we took the cluster and put in "Rex" to do the ROI-based analysis. However, it cannot produce the results (the result isnot significant any more) we found in SPM T-test .

Is there anyone who knows how to obtained the post-hoc ROI-values for each scan. We need this kind of values to correlate with clinical measures on the individual basis.

Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,