

Dear all,

Many thanks for the responses I received on the above topic. Some institutions found themselves in a similar situation to mine, but others had a range of procedures in place, which I've listed below. This evidence will I hope strengthen my case.

Thanks again,


Notification is given of both starters and leavers. As well as retrieving stock and equipment this also enables the library to welcome new staff. No problems of confidentiality as only info provided is name, starting/leaving date and line manager

Personnel make sure up-coming staff-leavers are reminded by them to return library loans in the letter they send confirming the last day of employment - mentioning the individual should clear loans a week before their last day. We have also tried to get the money back from the departments of the staff (payroll or not) who ignore our requests for an entire term after leaving.

We are initiating a leavers' and joiners procedure with a tick-box form. HR handle it so we don't get to see anything top secret.

Our HR Department sends us lists of people leaving without even being asked. Leaving is surely not confidential - and, even if it were deemed so, it would simply being a matter of getting staff to agree that such simple information could be released.

my department now sits alongside IT Services and VLE who are given advanced warning so that network accounts can be wound down. We now get information direct from them. There is a college "Exit" list which has to be signed off by relevant people. Also, the College does operate a recovery scheme so the value of any outstanding resources are deducted from the final salary payment unless they are returned.  If they have already had their final payment it goes as a debt to our Finance department who raise an invoice and eventually, if it's not paid, it goes to a debt collection agency for recovery.

We also receive monthly lists of leavers from HR- it is just part of the 'leaving' process here. There has never been any mention of issues around confidentiality.

Reports of starters and leavers are produced weekly for the Subject Librarians (amongst others who need to know)

We receive a monthly list of both leaving and new staff from our HR department

Our HR department provide us with information about leaving staff and have no issues with confidentiality.

Our HR department emails me with names and leaving date, asking if all items have been returned (they also ask the IT department!). If items are outstanding, staff are asked to return the items to HR when they hand in ID cards and keys.