

 I know about that and I remember Michael's notes on QT4 port, but the
problem is that fslview blocks whole fsl package ! . Solutions:

1) binary blob of statically linked fslview (can survive for a while)
- please do it, someone !
2) a dummy package installed by dpkg -i (feel free to use mine from if you just
want to install fsl
3) copying libraries needed for fslview by hand (annoying and nasty as
they are quite MANY) .


2011/7/21 Michael Hanke <[log in to unmask]>:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:18:24AM +0200, Jiøí Keller, M.D. wrote:
>> Michael Hanke, neurodebian, highlight ;-)
>> I was just launching my reportbug :-o
>> So one more request on Debian Wheezy 64bit - plain binary fslview
>> would be fine for both basic work and making fsl dependecies fine. (or
>> booting back to Ubuntu ;-) ).
> As it has been mentioned before on this list there is very little I can
> do about this. FSLView is currently not available on Debian wheezy and
> up (including any distro based on those, e.g. Linux Mint Debian
> Edition).
> The reason for this is lack of Qt3 support in the VTK package due to the
> general departure of Qt3 from this planet (unsupported for a long time
> already). Switching to Ubuntu will safe you for now, but as Ubuntu gets
> _all_ of its scientific packages one-to-one from Debian you can expect
> to join this club shortly ;-)
> Michael
> --
> Michael Hanke