

I have published a vessel with carbonized linseed, about The Birth of Christ.
Shall I make PDFs of pages 101-102?
Archsum, Isle of Sylt, Northern Germany.

H.  Kroll, Vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Ackerbau in Archsum auf Sylt. Eine
    botanische Großrestanalyse. Mit Beiträgen von O. Harck, G. Kossack,
    und J. Reichstein. In: G. Kossack / F.-R. Averdieck / H.-P. Blume / O.
    Harck / D. Hoffmann / H. Kroll / / J. Reichstein, Archsum auf Sylt. Teil 2.
    Landwirtschaft und Umwelt in vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit. Röm.-
    Germ. Forsch 44 (Mainz 1986) S. 51-158, esp. 101-102

a vesse> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have a relatively large
> assemblage of carbonsied flax seeds (about 270 spread across 3 fills
> in a waste pit and a smaller assemblage in a hearth nearby).
> The site is in Devon and the features are both dated to the Roman
> period and were located was within a broadly rectangular enclosure
> approx 30mx30m. There was also some iron working slag found within the
> enclosure.
> I was wondering if anyone knows of any comparative sites that might be
> worth taking a look at?
> Thanks
> Sarah

"-- "
Dr. Helmut Kroll

Tel. (D/0) 431 880 2338
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Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität
24098 Kiel

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