

Dear List Members,


Several books are (almost) published on experiment and reconstruction. EXARC is looking for reviewers. You get the book for free by first class Mail - and we ask you to write an honest review about it in English. Anybody interested? Please reply to [log in to unmask]. Any other suggestions for books to be reviewed would be welcomed as well.


Thank you,


Roeland Paardekooper


Pushing the Envelope: Experimental Directions in the Archaeology of Stone Tools

Editors: Grant S. McCall (Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA)

Book Description: Stone tools are the most ubiquitous and oldest variety of archaeological artifacts. Humans have made stone tools for the last 2.6 million years on every continent of the inhabited world. As such, they constitute the most important source of information about both past patterns of human behavior and evolution. In spite of these facts and after more than two centuries of systematic study, the analysis of stone tools remains a relatively under-developed science. This book presents a series of research projects designed to “push the envelope” in terms of the limits of our methodological knowledge concerning stone tools. It presents a series of experimental studies designed to approach the analysis of stone tools, the construction of inferences about the human past, and the building of novel theory to explain it.

(Imprint: Nova)


Trireme Olympias: The Final Report

Editor: Boris Rankov

This volume represents the final publication of the Olympias project, which saw the building of a full-scale reconstruction of a 170-oared Athenian trireme of the 4th century BC and its operation in five series of sea-trials in the Aegean Sea. The first three sea-trials in 1987, 1988 and 1990 have already been published in separate volumes (the last two by Oxbow) and this completes the series with reports of the 1992 and 1994 trials. The 1992 report by Paul Lipke of Trireme Trust USA, which collaborated with the Trireme Trust in the operation of the ship, offers an alternative view of the project as a whole from that presented in previous reports. The rest of the volume is devoted to some twenty-six papers presenting more recent research on the trireme, some of them originally presented at a conference held in Oxford and Henley in 1998. One group of papers by Timothy Shaw and John Coates presents the argument for making relatively small adjustments to the hull and oar-system of Olympias, which would enable the crew to generate far more power and so match the performance under oar which is implied by the ancient sources. The papers, therefore show the detailed thinking behind the modifications proposed in the second edition of The Athenian Trireme (2000). Another set of papers offers further critiques of the project, some positive and some sceptical and hostile. A third group investigates aspects of operation and performance under both oar and sail, including slipping and launching, the ancient evidence for speed under oar and physiological aspects of the ship's "human engine". A fourth group looks at aspects of construction and maintenance and a final set of papers presents some of the latest research inspired by the project, including an investigation of the effects of ramming, a reconsideration of the evidence for the dimensions of the ancient trireme and the modelling of battle manoeuvres based on the data produced by the trials of Olympias. 240p, 83 b/w illus (Oxbow Books, 2011)


Die byzantinische Steinsäge von Ephesos – Baubefund, Rekonstruktion, Architekturteile

Fritz Mangartz

In römischer und byzantinischer Zeit wurden Millionen Quadratmeter von gesägten und polierten Marmorplatten verbaut. Wie hat man diese Mengen hergestellt? Nach neuesten Erkenntnissen geschah dies unter Einsatz recht moderner Maschinen. Der am besten erhaltene Befund einer solchen Maschine, die byzantinische wassergetriebene Steinsäge aus dem Hanghaus 2 von Ephesos, wird in diesem Band vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich in dem an die Säge angrenzenden Raum eine zeitgleiche Steinmetzwerkstatt befand. Ein Modell im Maßstab 1:1 diente dazu, die Funktion der aus dem Befund rekonstruierten Maschine experimentell zu überprüfen.

Die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Österreichischen Archäologischen Institut und dem Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften erarbeiteten Ergebnisse des Projektes sind in diesem Band veröffentlicht. Dazu gehören eine genaue Dokumentation des Befundes, die Auswertung des Fungutes, die Rekonstruktion der Maschine und eine Überprüfung der Ergebnisse durch Experimente mit einem Nachbau in Originalgröße.


Museum experimentell, Experimentelle Archäologie und museale Vermittlung

Martin Schmidt, Marlise Wunderli

Der Archäologie haftet mitunter noch immer der Ruf an, verstaubt zu sein. Dabei bietet sie vielfältige Möglichkeiten für spannendes Lernen – vor allem im Museum. Dieses Buch ist ein Erfahrungsbericht über die Umsetzung von experimenteller Archäologie im Museum. Es erläutert Herangehensweisen an das Thema, schlägt Projekte und Arbeitsmöglichkeiten für Museumspädagoginnen und Lehrkräfte vor und bietet eine Ideensammlung mit Anleitungen für die praktische Vermittlung des Themas Archäologie.


Eksperymental'na archeologija: zavdannja, metody, modelju- vannja. Starodavnij Iskorosten'

G. Ju. Ivakin. Kiev: Lira-K; Hardcover ISBN 978-966-2174-18-2

Vydannja je zbirkoju naukovych prac' ucasnykiv Mi¾na- rodnogo naukovo-praktycnogo seminaru (m. Korosten', 6-9 serpnja 2009 r.), prysvjacenogo aktual'nym problemam eksperymental'noi archeologii.