

Dear SPMers:

I knew the possible compatibility problems of BPM and SPM8 as shown in

I met some errors when performing BPM with partial correlation analysis for VBM results and SPECT images that prepared by SPM8, such as DARTEL and other tools.

Therefore, I changed my SPM version to SPM5 but I have the same results. Finally, I tried the suggested method as copying some  files to the wfu_toolboxes/wfu_pickatlas directory but I still had the same error messages as below:

Error in ==> spm_u at 23
if     STAT == 'Z'

??? Output argument "u" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "H:\005 Academic\SPM5\spm5\spm5\spm_u.m>spm_u".

Error in ==> spm_getSPM at 654
            u = spm_u(u^(1/n),df,STAT);

Error in ==> spm_results_ui at 275
	[SPM,xSPM] = spm_getSPM;
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback 

I wonder if I wanted to perform correlation analysis by BPM, I only could perform all image analysis and process in SPM5?

