

My problem is:
I have an experiment where there are 4 repetitions: 4 activations phases, 4 sleepings phases and 56 files.
The onset time of an activation phase is 8; 6 for a sleeping phase. The experiment begins with a sleeping phase.
So, in Onsets I specify this array:
[6:14:56] =[6 20 34 48]
In durations i set 8. (activation time)

The problem is: when I look at the SPM.mat matrix, the first sleeping phase is 8 and not 6. Almost, the last activation phase is (about) 6 and not 8.
If I change the array in [4:14:56] it seems to be good, but why?

My question is: How to have the good SPM.mat matrix?
Did the Canonical HRF function change the SPM.mat matrix?

Thanks for responses.