Dear All,

A heads up - in just over 2 months we have our AGM of the research group, held at the annual conference of the RGS-IBG in London. It is scheduled for the Friday, 2nd Sept, 13.10 to 14.25. An agenda for this meeting will follow nearer the time … and for anyone wanting to see provisional schedule of the conference go to

LOUISE, FRIEDERIKE AND I HAVE ALMOST SERVED OUR 3 YEARS as secretary, treasurer and chair – so we need NOMINATIONS FOR NEW FOLK to take on these roles please!!!

Time certainly flies, and the three of us have gained a lot from being involved at this level with Pygyrg. We’d like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone in the group, and all the support and constructive comments over the years … we are all committed to ‘shadowing’ new officers as they take up the roles too, in a hand over period  … SO DON’T BE SHY IN COMING FORWARDS!!!

As per our constitution, we need to have nominations in writing please – via e-mail is fine – before the AGM. A message with your name, officer role you would like to stand for, and who is willing/happy! to nominate you. Personally, I’m on annual leave from end of July until 1st Sept (I’ll be there at AGM as a fun first day back to ‘the office’), so please could you cc any nomination to all three of us.

Best to everyone

Kye, Lou and Friederike

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