

Sorry Ken, I guess I wasn't sufficiently clear.
I meant to say that octopi & dogs have precursor abilities (planning,
problem solving, etc) to designing.  Octopi are quite ancient; this
suggests that some of those precursor abilities have been built-in for
a *very* long time.
I can accept that perhaps the difference between them and us is more
one of quantity than quality, but if it's a matter of quantity, it is
a vast one.
I'm a "dog person" too, and I've often been amazed at the behaviours
of our dogs, but I've never recognized in them the kind of reflection
that I recognize every day in people. Nor am I aware of any research
that suggests *any* animal has the reflective abilities of humans to
the degree we exhibit it.


On 19 June 2011 18:34, Ken Friedman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear Fil,
> Don't know any octopi, but I'll accept the fact that dogs don't think
> or reflect as we do. They're dogs, and a natural consequence of this
> is that they have different bodies, different mental states, and
> different hermeneutical horizons. They certainly don't read Simon.
> While I agree that dogs cannot therefore reflect as they do, I would
> not go so far as to say they don't reflect. I don't claim that they do,
> either. As a result, I wouldn't be prepared to say that they design
> in Simon's sense, and I would not claim that dogs are reflective
> practitioners.
> Like most designers -- and engineers -- dogs do like to get paid,
> and clever dogs often figure out how.
> Yours,
> Ken
> Filippo A. Salustri wrote:
> --snip--
> I think being able to design (at least in Simon's sense) is something
> we evolved to do.  There's examples of octopi opening jars and
> uncorking bottles to get at food.
> --snip--
> ... (planning, problem solving, etc).
> I think the feature that most distinguishes humans is that we *know*
> we're designing.  I don't think animals like octopi & dogs reflect as
> we do.
> --snip--

Filippo A. Salustri, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Ryerson University
350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3, Canada
Tel: 416/979-5000 ext 7749
Fax: 416/979-5265
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