Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention to the AGU session detailed below.


Dr. D.F. Mark
NERC Argon Isotope Facility
SUERC, Scottish Ent. Tech. Park,
Rankine Ave., East Kilbride, G75 0QF, UK.

01355270194 (Office)
01355270193 (Ar/Ar laboratory)
01355229898 (Fax)

Title:  A 100 Year Quest to Graduate the Geological Column with an Accurate Time Scale

Darren Mark, Fred Jourdan, Roland Mundil, Robert Creaser

Description: In 1911 Arthur Holmes (Father of geological time scales) planned to revolutionize Earth history by ‘graduating the geological column with an ever-increasingly accurate time scale’. Holmes made the first U-Pb measurement and in 1926 he led a committee to address the variance in geological time readings. 100 years later times have changed, as have our methods and protocols for quantifying time, but we are still striving to refine what Holmes set out to do. Time is the framework onto which we hang all geological events. This session welcomes contributions that use dating techniques to illuminate and resolve the fascinating problems of the Earth and its past.