

(With apologies for cross-posting.)
There are still some places available for the one-day DREaM project launch conference at the British Library on Tuesday 19th July:
The DREaM project aims to build a network of Library and Information Science (LIS) researchers. It aims to improve library and information services by helping spread expertise and providing opportunities for knowledge exchange. This launch conference will be followed by a series of workshops to be held in Edinburgh and London in 2011/12. Find out more at
As well as renowned contributors from LIS, including Blaise Cronin, Biddy Fisher, Hazel Hall, Julie McLeod, Charles Oppenheim and Gunilla Widen, the programme includes contributions from an award-winning stem cell biologist, an installation artist and an expert in behavioural science. See
The programme is designed to appeal to everyone with an interest in LIS research, including PhD students, established practitioners and academics, as well as the wider LIS research community, such as publishers.
*** Registrations can be made at ***
**Key conference details**
* Tuesday July 19th 2011, 10:30-16:15 (registration from 09:45)
* British Library Conference Centre, London, UK
* Programme includes breakout and a delegate-led “One Minute Madness” session
* Conference fee: £150 (total, including all refreshments)
* Limited number of discounted places at £90 available to PhD students (but book soon – these are filling up fast!)
* Secure your place at
Please find further information about the sessions and the full programme for the day at
The DREaM project is funded by the AHRC. It is based at Edinburgh Napier University and supported by the LIS Research Coalition. Follow the DREaM project on Twitter at @LIS_DREaM.