

On 09/06/11 09:21, Scott Armitage wrote:
> Incase anyone was interested in how much of dent IPv6 day made in our traffic.
> IPv6 Day Stats for lboro for 01:00 8th June - 01:00 9th June:

We did:

Inbound: 559.9Gb
Outbound: 26.4Gb

Average inbound rate: 76.5Mbit/sec
Peak inbound rate: 204.0Mbit/sec @13:11:40

Average outbound rate: 3.6Mbit/sec
(no peak time, due to complications in stats gathering)

We're still doing quite a bit of traffic, presumably because the BBC 
haven't removed their AAAA yet...

Protocol breakdown is roughly:


  http/80 - 552Gb
  https/443 - 8Gb

...with the rest down in the noise, although quite a bit of port imaps/993.

Slightly deflating, we only saw a tiny amount of traffic into our 
website; about 450 distinct source IPs hitting inbound port 80.

Scott, I'm surprised you guys saw so much macromedia, and that we did 
not - any more details on that?

For comparison, IPv4 was:

Inbound: 3526.2Gb
Outbound: 3499Gb

Average inbound rate: 779Mbit/sec
Average outbound rate: 773Mbit/sec