

Dear colleagues,

With this mail we want to remind you to submit sessions of your own special interest for the upcoming EMPG meeting until  01. 07. 2011.

A provisional list of topics is posted on the conference website:
Please submit your proposal for symposia or sessions to: [log in to unmask]

The 14th EMPG meeting (Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry)  will be held in Kiel, Germany, 

from 4th to 7th of March 2012.
The EMPG meeting intends to bring together researchers from all fields of experimental geosciences. Researchers with a focus on material science and numerical modelling are very welcome as well.  

The website of the meeting is already online:
We hope to see you all in Kiel!

The organizing committee : Philip Kegler, Astrid Holzheid

Dr. Philip Kegler  
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel  /  Institut für Geowissenschaften  /  Experimentelle und Theoretische Petrologie
Ludewig-Meyn-Str. 10 , 24118 Kiel
phone:++49 (0)431 880 3652  /  mobile phone: ++49 (0)176 20423147  /  FAX: ++49 (0)431 880 4457 
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