

Can someone help me understand how the two threshold values are used (and in what order) in the 'cluster' command?  I am running cluster Version 1.3.

For example, I am running this command:
  set opt = "--zstat=zstat2 --dlh=0.0356698 --volume=201512 --pthresh=0.05"
  set opt = "$opt --minclustersize --mm"
  cluster $opt --zthresh=2.5

And get these results:
  Minimum cluster size under p-threshold = 390
  Cluster Index	Voxels	P	-log10(P)	Z-MAX	Z-MAX X (mm)	Z-MAX Y (mm)	Z-MAX Z (mm)	Z-COG X (mm)	Z-COG Y (mm)	Z-COG Z (mm)
  2	532	0.0108	1.97	4.02	-8	-54	42	-1.74	-59.5	41.7
  1	424	0.0341	1.47	4.42	44	-60	-16	47.6	-65.2	-18

Where --zthresh=2.5 --> p=0.006210
  % ztop 2.5

Is the --zthresh=2.5 applied to zstat volume first, thereby creating clusters of surviving voxels, and then --pthresh=0.05 is used to determine if each cluster has a probability of < 0.05 of being due to noise?

Thank you,
- BettyAnn