

Poetics Today:
Narrative and the Emotions (II):
1 June 2011; Vol. 32, No. 2 
Suspicious Minds 
Rita Felski
Poetics Today 2011;32 215-234

A Comeuppance Theory of Narrative and Emotions 
Blakey Vermeule
Poetics Today 2011;32 235-253

How Narrative Relationships Overcome Empathic Bias: Elizabeth Gaskell's Empathy across Social Difference 
Mary-Catherine Harrison
Poetics Today 2011;32 255-288

On Being Moved: Sympathy, Mobility, and Narrative Form 
Miranda Burgess
Poetics Today 2011;32 289-321

Emotions and the Structuring of Narrative Responses 
David S. Miall
Poetics Today 2011;32 323-348

Empathetic Hardy: Bounded, Ambassadorial, and Broadcast Strategies of Narrative Empathy 
Suzanne Keen
Poetics Today 2011;32 349-389

New Books at a Glance 
Le Style des gestes: Corporéité et kinésie dans le récit littéraire 
Richard Waswo
Poetics Today 2011;32 391-392
Guillemette Bolens, Le Style des gestes: Corporéité et kinésie dans le récit littéraire. Lausanne: Editions BHMS, 2008. xiii + 152 pp.

The Philosophy of Literature 
Eyal Segal
Poetics Today 2011;32 392-396
Peter Lamarque, The Philosophy of Literature. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2009. xi + 329 pp.

Energy of Delusion: A Book on Plot 
Eyal Segal
Poetics Today 2011;32 396-398
Viktor Shklovsky, Energy of Delusion: A Book on Plot, translated by Shushan Avagyan. Champaign: Dalkey Archive Press, 2007. ix + 428 pp.

Literature and Cinematography 
Eyal Segal
Poetics Today 2011;32 398-399
Viktor Shklovsky, Literature and Cinematography, translated by Irina Masinovsky, with an introduction by Richard Sheldon. Champaign: Dalkey Archive Press, 2008. xvii + 74 pp.