Dear all,

Please note the below call for papers for a joint project that aims to depict the development of a new global geography of shipyard workers in the last 50 years: de-localization, new industrial geography of shipyards, subcontracting...

The project is hosted by the International Institute for Social History in Amsterdam.

We are already around 20 researcher from more than 15 shipbuilding countries.
But we need more!
For contact address (Raquel Varela) and in detail project description, pl. see below.

Aslý Odman

Istanbul Bilgi University
Department of History

In the Same Boat?

Shipbuilding and ship repair workers: a global labour history (1950-2010)

Call for papers

This project intends to study shipbuilding labour around the world from World War II until the present from a global history perspective. We will track the relocation of production and analyse its consequences to workforces in Europe, North and South America, and in East Asia from the 1980s onwards.

See the project description for more information.

The project is coordinated by Elise van Nederveen Meerkerken, Marcel van der Linden, and Raquel Varela.

We are still missing overviews for Japan, the Netherlands, France, USA, and Norway. Please read the project description carefully, and also take note of the framework document, according to which all national overviews will be written. We welcome one more overview from South Korea and also one from China. However, the call for papers is open to researchers from all around the world.

Please send a short proposal for a national overview (500 words max.) until 31 December 2011, with a CV, by email to: [log in to unmask].