

My two cents.

Something FUN - perhaps a defined 'Fun' area.  Not enough people have fun on their sites.

Something to engage kids - colouring sheets, links to educational games etc.

Think about 'public facing' and 'private facing'  - ie you might want this to be more than a shop window for the public.

In several organisations I/we use the private facing part of our sites to do 'version control' for things like policy documents (not just clinical policy) - it works well ie. the rule is set that the document in force at any one time is the one that is on the site (not the dog-eared copy that someone dug out of a drawer, or the one that was filed 6 years ago.   This works well for info dissemination as well as creating a culture of transparency.

Education - want to run some online educational things?   Moodle is great and can be incorporated with a joomla or drupal based site (I think) - moodle has forums, wikis, quizzes, tracking of learners activities etc    How cool would it be to say 'g'mornin' SHO,  your educational task this week is to look at the literature and check that the info on the page around fluid therapy in trauma is current, and update it

....oh yes, which reminds me.....the biggest problem is keeping a site fresh.......either you will need to throw big bucks at a company to do this and keep updating it etc.....and stomach then being somewhat 'locked in' to that company.........or you will (very sensibly) run your site on a Content Management System that allows you to update it whenever.   Such a system also allows discussion forums, wiki's etc on the site.  A content management system is usually easy to add too or edit.   If you use an open-source CMS you can still have a company run it and do all the technical side - but you can manage the content......and you are not locked in.

Gotta run, someone wants to take my thyroid out this morning, so I shouldn't be late :)



On 24 June 2011 02:16, Tom Young <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Following on from the publishing of audit:

Blue sky thinking and not my own but I like the idea of interaction, debate, conversation with patients and patient representatives and perhaps colleagues using email, social media etc... as a means of educating and getting support for service improvement initiatives...

Unrealistic to expect much support because of resource implications, compexity and uncertainty about positive outcomes and risk of negative outcomes... but Interesting to think about.

GPs practices and perhaps some speciaities will have experience of this sort of thing. Not sure whether any EDs will

Tom Young

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-----Original Message-----
From:         Matthew Dunn <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       Accident and Emergency Academic List <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Fri, 24 Jun 2011 07:38:09
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To:     Accident and Emergency Academic List <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: ED website

You may want to consider publishing your department audits on the website. In the UK, these would probably be open to public scrutiny in any case under Freedom of Information (although I'm not aware of any requests). There is something to be said for opening them out anyway. Personally we don't have a specific department website (basically down to relatively low priority) but the idea has been discussed a bit. I'd favour putting our own audits out there but would probably be in the minority.

Matt Dunn

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