

Hi Cian
Explain the ED process, how triage works etc., they might have to wait!
Useful links to reputable health information sites
Links to handouts if you have them
Regular staff news, rosters, social news etc
Careers info
Links to courses, college websites eg IAEM, ACEM, CEM ACEP SAEM etc, other useful websites/teaching  
This is just some of the basics I am sure you have already thought of.
On 23 June 2011 14:44, Cian McDermott <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear all,
I'm currently involved in the design of a website for our Emergency Department. We have our own ideas regarding what we will include on it but I would appreciate advice from anyone who has carried out a similar exercise in the past. All suggestions are welcome!
Dr Cian McDermott
Specialist Registrar in Emergency Medicine
Sligo General Hospital,
Dr John Cronin
Emergency Medicine SpR