

All welcomed to the second edition of  my Workshop 'Tutti al mare? HR Strategies, business changes and... some shells'!  

The new date for your diary is Friday 23 September, same place with reviewed agenda and registration fee thanks to your great participatory and straightforward feedback! 

13:00 - 14:00 Welcome, networking, coffee
14:00 - 16:00 Main Session and presentation by Brunella Longo 
16:00 - 16:10 Coffee Break 
16:10 - 17:00 Interactive Session: Cases and Examples, Q&A and your next steps!

Indeed, you will leave the Workshop with a sustainable, realistic and actionable list of priorities you will tackle. Not a conventional seminar, not a lecture, not a course, “Tutti al mare?” is a new way for me to deliver findings from my investigations into human resources management and for you, no matter your level of managerial responsibilities, to acquire exclusive insight and advice about business changes, governance frameworks and skills alignment of the most important asset you care about: your people. 

Examples will highlight strategies and policies affecting careers and job opportunities for data and IT managers, information professionals, curators and project officers but in such a way that you can easily transfer the cases to other professional families all the same squeezed by the recession, shaken with important ethical, regulatory and technological challenges (the pension reform! the unemployment and welfare benefits system!) and by the never ending game of internet disruptive “opportunities”.  

I will also point up the “good” business development options in the social media and records management spaces.
Registration fee is 109.00 £ plus VAT (ask about possible discounts and tax exemptions) and includes refreshments.  Registration form is available at  

Once again, looking forward to meeting you for an inspiring and constructive afternoon! 

P.S. Ça va sans dire, everybody is now offering a brave new avalanche of “afternoon” events. Beware of the imitations! :) 

Brunella Longo
Information Management Adviser, Project Manager Prince2 Practitioner, Independent Scholar

7 New College Court London NW3 5EX 
T +44 (0)20 72095014 - 77229184 / +44 (0) 75 49921488 (mobile) -