Dear SPM list,


Sorry to interrupt, but I was encountered this repeated coregistration error, which I cannot fix.


Running "Coreg: Estimate & Reslice"


Error running job: Attempted to access fwhm(2); index out of bounds because numel(fwhm)=1.

In file "D:\spm5\spm_coreg.m" (v1007), function "optfun" at line 160.

In file "D:\spm5\spm_coreg.m" (v1007), function "spm_coreg" at line 82.

In file "D:\spm5\spm_powell.m" (v691), function "spm_powell" at line 27.

In file "D:\spm5\spm_coreg.m" (v1007), function "spm_coreg" at line 134.

In file "D:\spm5\spm_config_coreg.m" (v1032), function "estimate_reslice" at line 322.




Could someone help me on this?


Thanks very much!