

Dear SPMers

I tried to calculate standardized uptake value (SUV)/Binding potential in receptor SPECT imaging by SPM8 and every subject had his own structure MRI image concurrently.

After finishing DARTEL process of MRI, I applied following analysis as proposed by John in previous SPM archives:

1. Within subject coregistration of all the T1 and SPECT images without any reslicing.
2. Use the normalise to MNI space option, with the flow fields and SPECT images, to generate spatially normalised and smoothed versions of SPECT data.

Then, I made mask files by WFU Pick_Atlas and applied such mask files to normalised and smoothed SPECT images.

Extract data from ROI in Volumes Toolbox was used with "Pass Output to Workspace" (as suggested by Volkmar in previous SPM archives) under following paramters:

Data source: source images
ROI Specification: source image
Average: no averaing
Interpolation: Trilinear

Then, I got an output file in Workpalce but I had no idea for interpreting such.

I wondering if the value in each cell of "raw field" revealed "intensity values per voxel"?
If such was correct, how can I got mean and SD values of all raw values?
What were the meaning of the values in "posmm" and "posvx" fields?

Thanks for your kind help and also appreciated for any resources of learning more about Volumes Toolbox

Sincerely yours, 
