

Re: How RAIN came about I am a lurker on the list, as my job is only very peripherally (but nonetheless crucially) linked with questions of records management. I signed up to the list a few years ago to post an enquiry (for which I got helpful replies) but I stayed on the listserver because of the surprising and interesting areas where RM turns out to be key. I would say 95% of those interesting tidbits come through the RAIN postings. The thing I like about them is that they tell you in one informative strapline what the link is about. (I really dislike postings that say only ‘look at this! <weblink>’ so you waste your time on all kinds of nonsense.)  There are too many of RAIN postings sometimes – I do occasionally delete them in bulk. I don’t think anyone’s feelings are hurt by that. In summary, because they are so clearly labeled, well selected and crisply presented, I find the RAIN postings good value. I now know a lot more about RM and have greater respect for the field than if I hadn’t seen them. I would not have stumbled any of that from the technical exchanges between specialists about tools that I don’t use, or job adverts that I’m not eligible for.

On a related point, listservers that have a consistent short identifier in the subject line are, for me, easier to manage. I can search on RAIN and retrieve all postings, I can identify them on the mixed list that comes on my phone email. Could the same be initiated for the rest of the listserver (e.g. RMUK)? It is standard in most of the other lists I belong to.  When an email comes with an anodyne heading like ‘can anybody help’ I don’t know where it comes from until I open it.  

Now, back to lurking.



On 12/5/11 12:12, "Steve Bailey - JISC infoNet" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi Matt,
I would have thought that people would find the RAIN list in the same way they find all the various other lists that they become members of: a combination of word of mouth, email signatures, links from other sources etc, plus maybe an annual message to the list from Peter advertising its existence to new members.  Following your logic there would only be one jiscmail list covering all subjects under the sun instead of the thousands that currently exist.
Having been a member of this list since its inception some 5-6 years ago I’m pretty confident in saying that the Peter’s RAIN postings are unique both in their nature and their frequency.  Sure there are lots of regular posters to the list – which is to be welcomed – but they tend to post on different subjects not to post different variations of the same message (a link to a news story) every time.  So no, I wouldn’t envisage you or anyone else having to go off and start your own list so really can’t envisage this ‘ridiculous situation’ ever arising.
I’ve never doubted that Peter’s RAIN postings are an ‘amazing resource’ for many - hence suggesting a solution which would continue to put it in reach of all those who would benefit from it, whilst at the same time keeping it out of reach of those who wish to remain in ‘blissful ignorance’.  That still seems a pretty practical solution to me…
Best wishes

PS list members will know doubt be pleased to learn that I will be on holiday for a week as from tomorrow so your inboxes will remain blissfully undisturbed on this topic – at least from me
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