Hi Pip
Many thanks for this. I have added a link from my site and will pass the details on. I was really excited to receive a note from Renata Ozorlić Dominić who is Senior Adviser, with the Croatian Education & Teacher Training Agency. She and her colleagues have done an amazing job bringing together papers from the conference in Zagreb last year, with papers translated in Croatian and English. Renata has just written to say an  e-version of the publication Action Research for the Professional Development of Teachers can be downloaded from www.karaman-design.com/download/Akcijsko_istrazivanje_web.pdf Hope you might enjoy and find the resource useful as well.

Spread the smile

From: Pip and Bruce <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thu, 19 May, 2011 5:32:39
Subject: A possibly useful resource

Hi all

 Sorry to break in on the flow of what looks like a fascinating conversation (have been travelling in the UK/Europe, sorry to have missed some 'old' AR friends including Jean at York St John, Jack and the Bath group as I visited near Bath, but was able to celebrate the publication of her books on Chinese educational experiences with Moira Laidlaw, so that was good!)

Am now back at work in New Zealand, and I've just received a new publication from our teaching excellence centre, Ako Aotearoa. Their "A Tertiary Practitioner's guide to collecting evidence of learner benefit" is freely available from http://akoaotearoa.ac.nz/collecting-evidence so I thought I'd pass it on in case any of you are working in environments where it might be useful. Ako has a huge variety of resources available from the website and they're copyright free with the following proviso: "You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform the work as well as to remix, tweak and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as you credit the author/s and license your new creations under the identical terms". Here's to free sharing! Hope you enjoy it.

Warm regards

 Pip Bruce Ferguson