

Brian, This could be relevant to the session on healing poetry and to your particular interest in research using poetry  

Can Sönmez  recently submitted his PhD thesis on poetic form and terminal illness to the University of Warwick. In the course of preparing that thesis he presented a conference paper on poet-patients at the International Symposium on Poetry and Medicine. Since 2007, he has regularly taught seminars to undergraduates, discussing contemporary poetry and creative writing and has written poetry reviews for academic periodicals. He has also written on a completely different topic, Brazilian jiu jitsu, and is a contributor to Jiu Jitsu Style magazine. 

Next Lapidus SW event at The Pierian Centre   AIDS, Cancer and Poetic Form  : a talk and workshop with Can Sönmez  The Pierian Centre : Saturday 21st May 2011  2.30 till 5pm. £5 to Lapidus members, £10 to non-members.   (Come along from 2.15 for refreshments)    

Looking at several poets as examples, this talk and workshop will  explore the use of poetic form to gain a measure of control over the  chaotic experience of terminal illness.  


Also, secondly, whilst I am here, I am looking forward to a critique and criticism of my critique and criticism of the LET approach.  I wrote the PhD in two weeks and as it was needed, I got the PhD.  You will find the thesis at the LET theses section of the LET homepage.

My critique was that LET follows the very traditional and positivist research in education and the social sciences of epistemology preceding ontology.  I argued that this is mistaken and that ontology should precede epistemology.  I also argued against that bizarre turn to 'inclusionality' and youtube from Gadamer and Ilyenkov's dialectics and auto-ethnographic texts.  My present work is trying my dialectical tool on other people and as a means to resolve conflict, propositional stereotyping, alienation, exclusion and abstraction of groups and individuals, racism and colonialism and to summon a true Freireian dialogue of equal, pluralism and mutual understanding.
