

   Pressed Flesh

These level creases
both sides of my face
from sideburns to ears

(I donıt sıpose you see them -
under my fingertips
they feel such grooves!)

come from wearing spectacles
these several decades.
As a child I used to gaze

at such lines on Fatherıs face,
the more noticed in those days
for the timeıs short back and sides.

Mine I doubt has caused remark
in my son, himself now in specs.
My wife, had she noticed,

would have tenderly touched them.
Whoıd have thought the skin
over the skull thereabouts

would cave in to mere specs?
On the bridge of the nose, yes,
the heavy pressure every day

youıd expect to make its mark.
Or those pads that rest
either side of the bridge,

where you rub when tired.
Did he ever reach out, my dad,
and touch me? Apart from

a shy handshake or two?
His family ­ mine ­ werenıt much
given to touching, hugging,

kissing. Last time I saw him,
did my son and I, in that phrase
one thinks ŒAmericanı,

press flesh? Just. 

                   Max Richards