
Your part of managing this employee should only be a small one; this policy and process really needs to be "owned" by the employer and HR so I would advise you don't write it for them.. just write the OH involvement part... or you could find yourself in hot water in the future if things go wrong and HR look for a scapegoat (am I too cynical? lol). Also by OH taking ownership you are potentially creating a culture of "medicalising" a non medical issue.

The HR team will have plenty of access through their peers to comprehensive Substance Misuse policies (a quick google turns up loads) and implementation of such policies. They will also need to implement any management training etc. 

Good luck 


On 12 May 2011 11:19, Stephanie McGauley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi Pippa

for such an issue to be managed successfully it needs a robust drug and alcohol policy - i have involved management from the start and advised they and the employee are responsible for compliance and for management of this and they should agree a contract e.g weekly meetings in private as not only a support measure but to assess that the contract is standing up/  Mondays are good for this as it follows a weekend

being firm is tough love in a way but the only way - i try not to get involved other than liase with the community support team as they are doing the work and to reinforce this to the employee and support attendance for counselling

hope this helps - your right about the safety measures and only advise when i have clear evidence that the employee is being responsible with treatment compliance and sobriety for a stable period that these can be lifted however should remain supervised and withdrawn when any concerns apparent.

http://www.drugscope.org.uk/OneStopCMS/Core/CrawlerResourceServer.aspx?resource=9E2F750E-245E-49CC-B669-EEACC455B720&mode=link&guid=3e1f48bd69a6449ab655d3c5a2fb541b and http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/13001/48984/48984.pdf

the above are good resources

stephOn 12 May 2011, at 10:45, Pippa Stanford wrote:

Dear List

I am currently assisting an individual with alcohol addiction. I have referred him to GP, he awaits contact from the Alcohol Support Team (who I have pursued to try to expedite treatment - he would like to stop drinking- but the wait is some weeks).

Advice has been given to the employer relating to safety.

The Alcohol Policy is very weak and I am in the process of carefully introducing such concepts as individual risk assessment and a contract between employee and employer of his expected behaviours and the outcomes if he does not comply.

I would be very grateful for any input relating to such contracts which you use - a draft would be really helpful and also Alcohol Policies. There is no testing in the Company for drugs or alcohol.

Many thanks,

Pippa Stanford
Occupational Health Advisor
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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