




*Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Stream*


A key stream of the BABCP Surrey 2011 conference programme is

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

                This year the Intellectual and Developmental 
Disabilities conference programme includes 1 keynote, 1 full-day 
pre-conference workshop, a clinical skills class and a range of related 

_Keynote Address_


    Professor Nirbhay Singh, American Health and Wellness Institute, USA

Mindfulness-based Interventions for People with Intellectual and 
Developmental Disabilities and Their Carers

_Pre-conference Workshop_


*Mindfulness-based Interventions for People with Intellectual and 
Developmental Disabilities: *

*Reducing Psychological Distress and Facilitating Personal Transformation*

Nirb Singh, Angela Singh, Ashvind Singh, and Judy Singh, American Health 
and Wellness Institute, Virginia, USA__


_Symposia _


    CBT for Low Functioning and Borderline Intelligence Clients

Convenor: John L Taylor, Northumbria University and Northumberland, Tyne 
and Wear NHS Trust

Speakers: Steve Oathamshaw, Gillian Haddock, Alastair Barrowcliff, 
Nirbhay N Singh

    Anger and Psychopathology: Orienting Treatment to Transdiagnostic

Convenor: Ray Novaco, University of California, Irvine

Speakers: John Owen, Stine Bjerrum Moeller, Carolin Walker, Oscar 

The Impact on Participants and Services of a Cognitive-Behavioural Anger 
Management Intervention for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Convenor: Paul Willner, Swansea University

Speakers: Pamela McMahon, Aimee Stimpson, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, Nikki Rose


        _Skills Class_

        Cognitive Behavioural Anger Treatment for Low Functioning Clients

John L Taylor, Northumbria University and Ray Novaco, University of 
California, Irvine, USA



*For more information and for online registration, see**__*


Richard Hastings
Professor of Psychology

Research Director, North Wales Clinical Psychology Programme
Co-Director, MSc Applied Behaviour Analysis

School of Psychology
Bangor University
Gwynedd, LL57 2AS
Wales, UK
Tel:    +44 1248 388214
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